Shortcodes and Snippets
Category Items Shortcode
[ categoryitems itemselection="recent" ]
Available options:
itemselection: recent / featured / top_rated / random / bestsellers
orderby : name / price
order : ASC / DESC
hide_empty : true / false,
include : 1, 2, 3 ... (categories id to include separated by comma)
mode : slider / (turns "categoryitems" view in full width slider, see below)
Content Carousel Shortcode
[ carousel mode="inline" class="testimonials" ]
[ caritem ]Proin gravida nibh vel ... (HTML Content)[/ caritem ]
[ caritem ]...[ /caritem ]
[ caritem ]...[ /caritem ]
[ /carousel ]
Available Options:
mode = inline /
class = (css class to be used)
Gallery Shortcode
[ gallery columns="4" ids="1510,1509,1508,1507" ]
Available Options:
collumns: integer up to 10
ids : ids of media
size : (list of sizes given in the docs)
effect : circle / fadein / bar / bar2 / bar3 / cover / cover2 / cover3 (hover effect)
Sortable Gallery Shortcode
[sortable_gallery ids=”1052,1053,1051,1050,1049,1048,1047,1046″]
[ sortable_gallery columns="4" ids="1052,1053,1051,1050,1049,1048,1047,1046" ]
Available Options:
layout : fitRows / cellsByRow / cellsByColumn / masonry
ids : ids of media
size : (list of sizes given in the docs)
effect : circle / fadein / bar / bar2 / bar3 / cover / cover2 / cover3 (hover effect)
gallery : fancybox / prettyPhoto
Gallery Preview Shortcodes
Gallery Preview
[ gallerypreview title="Our Latest Models" ids="524,521,520,510" ]
Available Options:
ids : ids of media
gallery : fancybox / prettyPhoto
title : string (the title of the gallery)
Recent Comments
- Mr WordPress on Hello world!
- Mr WordPress on WooCommerce Seasons Themes
[ pt-recent-comments number="4"]
Avilable Options:
number: (integer, number of posts to display)
Tweets Shortcode
[tweets max=”2″]
[ tweets max="2" ]
Available Options:
max: (integer, number of tweets to display)
Recent Posts Shortcode
Recent Entries
[ recent-posts posts="3" ]Recent Entries[ /recent-posts ]
Available Options:
posts : (integer, number of posts to display)
shortcode content : the title
FAQs Shortcode
[ faq ]
All available settings are set through the dashboard.
Tabs Shortcode
[ tabs style="horizontal" ]
[ tabitem title="Developer" ] content ... [ /tabitem ]
[ /tabs ]
Available Options:
style : vertical / horizontal
title : (string, title for each tab)
Accordion Shortcode
[ accordion ]
[ accitem title="Developer" ] content ... [ /accitem ]
[ /accordion ]
Available Options:
title : (string, title for each tab)
Progress Bar Shortcode
More to come30%
More to come50%
More to come70%
More to come100%
[ progressbar value="30" title="More to come"/ ]
Available Options:
value : (integer, value of the progressbar)
title : (string, progressbar title)
Infographic Shortcode
150 Projects
200 New Houses
70 Hqppy Clients
[ infographic width="371" title="Achivements" fontcolor="#daa32b" ]
[ value value="50" label="150 Projects" color="#6e71a3" / ]
[ /infographic ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, width of the container)
title : (string, infographic title)
fontcolor : (hexadecimal, color for the infographic title )
value : (integer, value of the arc)
label : (string, label for the arc)
color : (color, of the ard)
Doughnut Shortcode
[ doughnut ]
[ data color="#3c00ff" value="10" ]
[ /doughnut ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
height: (integer, container height)
color : (hexadecimal, color of the doughnut section)
value : (integer, value of the doughnut section)
Pie Shortcode
[ pie ]
[ data color="#3c00ff" value="10" ]
[ /pie ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
height: (integer, container height)
color : (hexadecimal, color of the doughnut section)
value : (integer, value of the doughnut section)
Bar Shortcode
[ bar labels="labe1, label2, ..." ]
[ dataset color="#6e71a3" ] 65 , 59 , ... [ /dataset ]
[ /bar ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
height: (integer, container height)
labels : (comma separated strings)
color : (hexadecimal, color for a dataset)
Polar Shortcode
[ polar ]
[ data color="#6e71a3" value="10" ]
[ /polar ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
height: (integer, container height)
color : (hexadecimal, color for a dataset)
value : (integer, value of a dataset)
Radar Shortcode
[ radar width="371" height="300" labels="March, April, ..." ]
[ dataset color="#bf0425" ] 65 , 59 , ... [ /dataset ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
height : (integer, container height)
labels : (comma separated strings)
color : (hexadecimal, color for a dataset)
Line Chart Shortcode
[ line labels="March, April ..." width="770" height="300" ]
[ dataset color="#bf0425" ] 65, 59, ... [ /dataset ]
[ /line ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
height : (integer, container height)
labels : (comma separated strings)
color : (hexadecimal, color for a dataset)
Caption Shortcode
[ caption id="attachment_1053" align="alignnone" width="300" gallery="fancybox" ]
Caption Text ...
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
width : (height, container height)
gallery : fancybox / prettyphoto
Maps Shortcode
[ gmap data="address:New York - NY 10017 , bubbletext:Pointer" width="100%" height="310px" ]
Available Options:
data : (string, settings data, see docs)
width : (string, width of the map container)
height : (string, height of the map container)
Pricing Shortcode
$100per year- 50 products
- 5 image per product
- Full Stats
- Full Customization
- 100 Pages
- 500 images
- 10 videos
- Inventory Tracking
- Free Hosting and Support
[ pricetable title="Super" currency="$" type="hero" price="100" info="per year" link="" cta="Get Now" ]
<li><b>50</b> products</li>
<li><b>5</b> image per product</li>
[ /pricetable ]
Available Options:
title : (string, price table title)
currency : (string, currency sign)
type : hero /
price : (string, price)
info : (string, info)
link : (url for call to action button)
cta : (string, call to action button title)
[ profile name="Mark Miller" role="Creative Director" ]
<span class="about">Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat.
consequat auctor eu in elit.</span>
[ social type="facebook" link="#" / ]
[ social type="google-plus" link="#" / ]
[ social type="linkedin" link="#" / ]
[ social type="twitter" link="#" / ]
<img class="alignnone" src="#" height="270" data-role="meteor" data-effect="circle" />
[ /profile ]
Available Options:
name : (string, person's name)
role : (string, role in the company)
Simple Slider Shortcode
[soliloquy id=”998″]
[ soliloquy id="998"]
Available Options:
id : (integer, id of the slider)
editable from the dashboard, see docs
Embed Shortcode
[ embed width="1170" height="528" ][ /embed ]
Available Options:
width : (integer, container width)
height : (integer, container height)
Newsletter Shortcode
virtue store newsletter[wysija_form id=”1″]
[ wysija_form id="1" ]
Available Options:
id : (integer, the id of the newsletter form)
Settings are set through dashboard, see docs